Benefits of Coverage

Trip Cancellation
100% of non-refundable insured Trip Cost up to a maximum of $7,500
Ancillary Trip Cancellation
Included under the Trip Cancellation benefit maximum
Trip Interruption
100% of non-refundable insured Trip Cost up to a maximum of $7,500
Trip Delay
(4 hours) up to $500 per day to a maximum of $3,000 During Your trip
Member Reward
up to $300 If you can cancel due to a covered reason.
Single Supplement
up to insured Trip Cost
Rental Car Damage and Theft Coverage
up to $35,000 (Not available in all states)
Vehicle Return
up to $1,000
Missed Trip Connection
up to $2,000
Travel Inconvenience
up to $500 per Trip
Pet Kennel
up to $300 (not available in all states)
Pet or Service Animal Return
up to $300 (not available in all states)
Quarantine Kenneling Expense
up to $200 (not available in all states)
Rental Property Damage Liability
up to $3,000 (not available in all states)
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains Benefit
up to $500,000 including: Emergency Medical Evacuation, Medically Necessary Repatriation, Repatriation of Remains
Ancillary Medical Evacuation
up to $10,000 Transportation of Children/Child, Bedside Visit / Transportation to Join You, Baggage Return
Ancillary Evacuation Baggage Return
Up to a maximum of $1,000
Bedside Traveling Companion Daily
up to $200 (not available in all states)
Search & Rescue
up to $25,000 (not available in all states)
Baggage & Personal Effects
up to $3,000 subject to per item maximum of $500 Sublimits - Medical Equipment, Passport, Visa or Other Travel Documents Replacement
Medical and Sports Equipment Rental
up to $1,000 (not available in all states)
Items subject to Special Limitations
$500 maximum combined
Baggage Delay
up to $500 per Day to a Maximum of $1,000 (8 Hours)
Emergency Accident & Sickness Medical and Dental Expense
up to $50,000 Dental Expense sublimit - up to $1,000
Prescription Replacement/Aid
up to $250 (not available in all states)
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
aggregate $250,000/ 24-Hour- $25,000, Exposure and Disappearance Included
Non Insurance Assistance Services
Free Look - 30-Days
The time frame for you to decide if you want to keep the coverage purchased.
Optional Benefits
Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR)
70% of non-refundable insured Trip Cost OPTIONAL UPGRADE for Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) Must add w/in 72 hours of plan purchase, and ≥ 60 days from scheduled departure date.
This benefit is NOT AVAILABLE to NY residents
Interruption for Any Reason (IFAR)
50% of non-refundable Trip Cost included with purchase of CFAR upgrade, if you interrupt your trip for any reason not otherwise covered at least 48-hours after scheduled departure.
This benefit is NOT AVAILABLE to NY residents
Please note, benefits may vary by state, please refer to your State Specific Certificate of Insurance for full plan details.